
Introduction to knowledge management



The common attitude of most people is to hold on to one’s knowledge since it is what makes him or her an asset to the organization. 1

The new paradigm is that within the organization knowledge must be shared in order for it to grow. 1

It has been shown that the organization that shares knowledge among its management and staff grows stronger and becomes more competitive. This is the core of knowledge management – the sharing of knowledge. 1

Without reference to either space or time, these numbers or data are meaningless points in space and time. 1

if there is no relation between the pieces of data, then it is not information. 12

`Portals can be defined as single points of access that provide easy and timely access to knowledge. 70

Goals of portals is to enchance corporate performance. 71

The two main features of portals are taxonomies and crawlers. 72

Marino’s group establi9shed three goals for the Frito-Lay portal: to streamline knowledge, expoloit customer-specific data, and foster team collaboration. 74

The portal has also been an invaluable tool for helping him assess employee skill sets. 75

The portal has also helped boost employee retention rates. 74

Helps budil the connection. 74

The essential purpose of a portal is to facilitate the sharing of high quality knoedge that has been captured electronically. 76

Portal must assess and evaluate the quality of the contribution being submitted and assign meta-data according to its particular features. 76

Policies and gudelines need to be established in order to ensure that quality is high. 76.

Helps to count the number of times a piece of knowledge is used by other members. 76

Users can also rate documents. 76

Every piece of knowledge received must be validated. 76

Portals offer additional functionality for distributed meetings, shared worspaces, telephone and video coferencing and dissemination or eexchange of artifacts. 77

Agenda could allow members graphic access to e4vents and happenings. 77

Portals are more than virtual libraries as they integrate all the tools needed to support the sharing of best pratices and the functioning of communnities of practices. 77

A skills management system is a web-based tool that supports this in a distributed way, spreading the workload over the whole organization. 78

Ensrure that the appropriate persons consult the right knowledge at the right time. 80

Lessons Learned Systems are very important in organisations where mistakes can be very costly and avoiding them in the future provides significant savings. 80


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Uriarte, Filemon A. 2008. Introduction to Knowledge management. Jakarta: Asean Foundation

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